White Glove Relationships
Our mission is to be a trusted resource for travelers seeking exceptional experiences on their holidays. We approach our work with care and discernment, curating a selection of the best restaurants, hotels, and experiences in bucket-list destinations around the world.
Our goal is to simplify the selection process for our clients, providing concise summaries and insider tips that save clients time and effort in their search for the perfect holiday.
At the same time, we strive to build strong relationships with our hospitality partners, offering them highly qualified and discerning clientele. We work closely with our partners to ensure that their offerings meet high standards of quality and excellence.
Overall, we believe that travel and dining is about more than just ticking items off a list - it's about creating meaningful, authentic experiences that leave a lasting impression.
We are committed to providing our clients with the tools and resources they need to plan the perfect holiday, and to work closely with our hospitality partners to showcase how they deliver exceptional service, quality and value.
Reach the right customers with a luxury list.
Get your restaurant in front of qualified customers with DivineDine, an exclusive and luxurious list for restaurateurs. Reach the right customers quickly and effectively by leveraging our positioning.
Our small team of anonymous critics meticulously rate 39 different objective standards to provide clients with a trustworthy opinion, as we only endorse the crème de la crème of luxury dining. From top-notch restaurants that offer perfection in service, amenities, and ambiance, to outstanding venues that provide an unforgettable dining experience, we ensure that your establishment is a choice recommendation for quality service and facilities.
For more information, please reach out to info@divinedine.rsvp
Flight Operations
Position your passenger experience as premium.
Partner with us to attract passengers who prioritize a seamless travel experience and possess the resources to afford it, ultimately leading to higher loyalty and repeat business.
Our service focuses on recommending the "Right Flight" based on key factors crucial to passenger satisfaction. Our team of expert analysts uilizes a comprehensive data-driven approach to flight selection.
We match passengers with aircraft boasting spacious legroom, premium amenities, and a tranquil environment, while minimizing layovers and maximizing comfort with thoughtful in-flight experiences.
For more information, please reach out to flyflat@whiteglove.holiday